About Caboose Industries
Caboose Industries manufactures manual switch stands. There are two basic types, the 100R series rigid stands, and the 200S series sprung stands. An example is the 101R and the 202S are from the same mold and look exactly alike. The only way to tell them apart is to push on what we call the slidebar or the bar that moves. If there is no spring action, it is the 101R.
The rigid stands are full functioning stands that require the hobbyist to supply some sort of a spring link between our switch stand slidebar and the turnout throwbar. This stand is recommended when the switch stand must be mounted a distance from the turnout. Normally a spring wire is routed through a tube when this is done. The 200S series have two stainless steel springs internally that provide point tension and take any switch stand overtravel. The springs are preloaded to a 6-ounce force. All stands are molded from black Delrin making them very durable and self-lubricating.
All stands have an external cam and some form of direct connection to the turnout throwbar. The 103R/204S Hi-levels, the 117R/218S/222S ground throws, and the 119R/220S/224S ground throws with SPDT contacts have selectable connectors to provide easy connection to almost any turnout. They also have a shim plate to raise the stand if it is not to be mounted on switch ties. The 109R/210S ground throws and the 103R/204S Hi-levels have their targets and related parts molded of ABS styrene so they can be easily bonded and painted. Mounting of the 200S series is easy – connect to the turnout throwbar, center the switch point and the switch stand handle. Align the two for straight travel and fasten the stand with track nails or screws.